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Graduate Education

Our lab is in the Plant Biology Department in the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences (SEBS) at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey.

Drs. Simon and Wu are also Members of the Graduate Faculty in the Medicinal Chemistry Department in the School of Pharmacy at Rutgers and advise several graduate students from that program.

Drs. Wu and Juliani are also Members of the Graduate Faculty in Food Science Department, and advise several graduate students from that program.


Undergraduate Education

The NUANPP lab has several undergraduate students who work with us in the lab and in the field on our projects.

Undergraduate courses taught by our lab faculty:

Introduction to Ethnobotany (11:776:205)

Instructor: Dr. James Simon

Co-Instructors: Dr. Rodolfo Juliani, Dr. Qing-Li Wu

Spring Semesters, yearly, 3 credits. Lower division undergraduate course in Plant Science. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the fascinating world of the relationships between people and plants.

Plant Physiology (11:776:312)

Instructor: Dr. Rodolfo Juliani

Spring, every year, 4 credits. The goal of the course is for students to have a comprehensive understanding of how plants work. Understanding structure and
function relationships, and interactions with the environment, is a vital strategy for comprehending fundamental concepts of plant physiology.

Medicinal Plants (11:776:312)

Instructor: Dr. James Simon

Co-Instructors: Dr. Rodolfo Juliani, Dr. Qing-Li Wu

Fall, every year, 3 credits. Use of plants for medicinal and other purposes; poisonous plants; cross-cultural aspects; chemistry and biological significance of natural products; natural products from higher plants in modern medicine.

Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Laboratory (11:776:313)

Instructor: Dr. James Simon

Co-Instructors: Dr. Rodolfo Juliani, Dr. Qing-Li Wu

Fall, every year, 1 credit. As a companion course to 11:776:312 Medicinal Plants, 11:776:313 Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Laboratory is a
hands-on class that introduces students to the anatomical, physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of medicinal and aromatic plants and plant parts.

Plants and Human Health (11:776:438)

Instructor: Dr. Qingli Wu.

Spring Semesters, 3 credits. Senior level undergraduate colloquia for the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences. This course is designed to strengthen students skills in critical thinking and analysis, public speaking and individual and group research projects focused on the health and nutritional aspects of foods, spices and medicinal plants/dietary supplements. Prior coursework in nutrition, physiology, chemistry, and medicinal plants or related courses are recommended

Hemp and Medical Cannabis (11:776:390)

Instructor: Dr. James Simon

Co-Instructors: Dr. Rodolfo Juliani, Dr. Qing-Li Wu

Fall, every year, 3 credits. The cannabis industry will be generating several billions of dollars in sales for the next years, with opportunities to
employ half a million people. This course will introduce students to the world of this unique species, Cannabis sativa. The course will address the diversity of C. sativa varieties, including wild varieties and three important groups with remarkable economic products, including fiber, oilseeds, and psychoactive compounds