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We use video storytelling to share how farmers and scientists are working together to find new and better ways to feed the people.

Based on Dena Seidel’s science-in-action storytelling model, Our collaborative team of scientists, researchers, professors, and students work together with community members to create science-in-action videos which follow their journeys to solve real world problems.  This collaborative model, based on long-term trusting partnerships between scientists and video storytellers, documents scientists as they conduct their research and together create narratives intended to humanize scientists as authentic people on journeys of discovery.

‘Women of Nsongwe’ 

The Women Of Nsongwe was directed, filmed and edited by Rutgers Center for Digital Film-making student Jean-Paul Issacs in Zambia, Africa. Narrated by rural women in southern Zambia, this short film features the USAID funded research of Professor Jim Simon and his African based NGO ASNAPP-Zambia team, providing women farmers with the means to economic independence.

‘Fields of Devotion’ 

Fields of Devotion is a 30 minute documentary featuring Rutgers scientists and their efforts to create disease resistant food crops for New Jersey farmers. Featuring Rutgers Plant Biology scientists Jim Simon, Lara Brindisi and Kirsten Allen and NJ Farmers John Vannini, Jess Niederer and Mike O’Hara.

‘Antarctic Edge: 70° South’ 

Rutgers produced feature film Antarctic Edge: 70 º South documents an international team of scientists studying the impact of climate change along the West Antarctic Peninsula led by oceanographer Dr Oscar Schofield. Antarctic Edge: 70 º South is funded by the National Science Foundation and is directed by Dena Seidel. Fourteen undergraduate students from a variety of academic majors were involved in the film’s creative production.