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Building on Rutgers University’s research, the land grant public engagement infrastructure through the Rutgers’ Center for Agricultural Food Ecosystems and Rutgers Cooperative Extension 4-H youth program, this FAME Ag Tech program engages youth in project-based learning about food systems and storytelling.



Augustina (Auggie) and Elias worked together to create their science story, “Traditional Roots,” featuring Rutgers Professor, Dr. Rodolfo Juliani, and PhD student Guazabara Rivera. Their story focuses on the ethnobotany of ginger, and the science behind the plant’s medicinal qualities.

Click here to watch their science story, “Traditional Roots”!





Hana and Sophia worked together to create their science story, “A Look into Grapeseed,” featuring Rutgers Professor, Dr. Qing-Li Wu, and PhD student Zhiya Yin. Their story focuses on the ethnobotany of grapes, and the science behind the grapeseed’s medicinal qualities.

Click here to watch their science story, “A Look into Grapeseed“!



Brian and Yinjue worked together to create their science story, “Project Ginseng,” featuring Rutgers Professor, Dr. Qing-Li Wu. Their story focuses on the ethnobotany of ginseng, and the science behind the plant’s medicinal qualities.

Click here to watch their science story, “Project Ginseng”!



Sophie created her science story, “Exploring Mutations in Arabidopsis,” featuring PhD student Alison Dineen. Her story focuses on novel research on Arabidopsis thaliana, a model organism which is used often in plant biology.

Click here to watch her science story, “Exploring Mutations in Arabidopsis”!



Steven and Roselena worked together to create their science story, “Basil: The Plant Breeding Journey,” featuring PhD student Alex Barrett. Their story focuses on the basil breeding project at Rutgers, the processes required to breed different varieties of the plant, and the project’s significance in the real world.

Click here to watch their science story, “Basil: The Plant Breeding Journey”!




Narani (Nani) and Zyaire worked together to create their science story, “Monkfruit Journey,” featuring Rutgers Professor, Dr. Rong Di, and PhD student Derek Cavallo. Their story focuses on the ethnobotany of monkfruit, and the science behind monkfruit’s medicinal qualities.

Click here to watch their science story, “Monkfruit Journey“!


Keira and Gilline worked together to create their science story, “It’s a Vegetable, It’s a Weed, It’s Amaranth!” featuring PhD student Guazabara Rivera and Rutgers undergraduate student Norah Pereira. Their story focuses on the ethnobotany of amaranth, and the science behind amaranth’s medicinal qualities.

Click here to watch their science story, “It’s a Vegetable, It’s a Weed, It’s Amaranth!”