Thomas Villani, PhD
Graduate Student
Department of Medicinal Chemistry
Thomas Villani graduated with his PhD in 2017 from Rutgers University. His work included a number of projects based on natural products chemistry of terrestrial plants, marine and freshwater algae. In his work, he characterized and evaluated bioactivity and pharmaceutical properties, and nutritional/nutraceutical potentials of plants and algae. He also developed quantitative analytical methods for determination of natural products in complex biological matrices; used myriad analytical techniques (HPLC/ESI-MS, GC/MS, NMR, UV-Vis spectroscopy) in the characterization of novel secondary metabolites; use of biochemical and biological techniques to screen natural products for bioactivity (anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-cancer). Additionally, Dr. Villani used preparative separation techniques to isolate natural products from biological matrices. Development of methodology for quality control of natural products.
Dr. Villani currently works as a Chief Science Officer at Visikol Inc.